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Awoken Mother


The complete package to honour the postpartum woman.

No matter how you enter parenthood,

floating on a high or riding some wild waves,

it's a time to slow and embrace.

The Awoken Mother Package includes:


An initial consult to understand your unique needs and desires.


Two home visits including:

Organic meals to feed mother and family, prepared specifically with foods to support a woman's postpartum body.


Herbal offerings to encourage healing, grounding, and rest. As well as integrate ritual and relationship with yourself in your new season.


A two hour postpartum chat to support the new mother across a range of topics including: breastfeeding (baby gut health), infant sleep support (safe cosleeping), baby wearing (various carriers available for loan) and more.


A Kith & Kindred Coming Home session -

Intimate family photo documentation without having to leave your nest.


Further support can be negotiated with an hourly rate.

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