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Mother Nelle's
Medicine Cabinet

- Learn the basics of herbal actions.


- Gain a deep understanding of

over 6 body systems.


- Learn the fundamentals of human nutrition.


- A selected herbal Materia Medica

with herbal preparations.


- Learn how to stock your own home

apothecary of safe simple plant medicine.


​So you want to learn the

wise wombyn way of folk healing?


In this self paced learning, you will explore herbal monographs, different organ systems and nutrient requirements for optimal function.


In addition to systems and nutrition you will learn which herbal allies to use and how to prepare them.


This is your birthright.

Historically, women were the knowledge keepers.

The providers of sustenance.

The guardians of birth and death.

There is Wild Wombyn in all of us.

Coming Soon

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