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Lemon Balm Elixir 30mls
  • Lemon Balm Elixir 30mls


    Happiness in a bottle.


    If you're new to using herbs, Lemon Balm is the one for you!


    Lemon balm has been used for centuries to alleviate melancholy. She's most notable for her calming effects on the nervous system. This also makes her the perfect herb to introduce to kids!


    Not only is she excellent for anxiety (the kind that gives you a stomach ache), but she's antimicrobial and antiviral! Feel a coldsore coming on and you haven't got your St. John's Wort oil handy? Dab some lemon balm on it!


    Upset tummy? Lemon balm. Poor apetite? Lemon balm. Mild headache? Lemon balm. Mild fever? Lemon balm. Insect bites? Lemon balm!



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